The honeymoon is over. Your course of miracles has been out for over a year now. Book sales have slowed down from your initial Big Push marketing by you and/or your publisher. You realized your dream. You experienced the speaking and book tour.
You may have already setup book signings, press releases, book reviews, distributors and even wholesalers on your own. Yet you still have a lot of unsold books. Don’t be discouraged, as with all honeymoons there’s always a season of reality-checks to bring us back to earth.
Now is the time to go to the next level. Join the Information Revolution of the new millennium. If you are willing to explore new realms, there’s another way to market your book inventory stacked in the garage. Use the Internet to bring your book sales to a new level. There’s a whole new online audience in your field waiting for your insightful book. Therefore, your book marketing plan should include:
A direct response site commonly called a mini-site will serve one purpose. That one purpose will be to sell your book. Therefore, there’s no community buttons, forums, articles or page of links. The links that are present will lead only to your order page. The front or home page contains your sales letter. The sales letter acts as a mini-salesman that’s on duty 24/7 to tell anyone interested about your book.
You can sell thousands of your print books online. Simply set up an order page with the ability to receive credit cards. According to your business field you may already have a merchant account. If so, your merchant account provider will be happy to create an online account with virtual terminal. No merchant account? No worries. There are 3rd party payment processors that specialize in handling secure online transactions. Companies like PayPal, 2Checkout and host of others now handle thousands of online transactions daily. Most even have connections to handle shipping charges as well.
If your print book is short enough, you can simply convert your book from word document to PDF (portable document format.) If not, use short excerpts from each chapter to compile your e-chapters.
Develop your e-book with pages from 10-100. Make it the same topic as your book formatted with sections and/or chapters. If your time permits, you might consider adding additional value for your reader by writing each new ebook chapter to answer a list of problems your audience has. Include several solutions, illustrations, exhibits, checklist and/or worksheets. Compile into an ebook then give it away to your website visitors to promote your longer version print book.