Football Shirts Still Leading the Way

Football fans will go to great lengths to follow their team, from travelling to matches or braving the cold to see their footballing heros grace the pitch and most important making sure that they look the part. Wearing your clubs’ football đồ đá banh is part and parcel of today’s modern game and fans all over the world make sure that their wardrobes are always updated on a regular basis. Football shirts are a great revenue earner for many clubs across the globe and it is something that most teams will rely heavily on. The likes of Manchester United and Real Madrid have massive marketing campaigns that drive their revenue on club merchandise with the heavy presence on pushing football shirts, even better with a players name branded across the back.

However for fans this can come at a very expensive price with most shirts retailing for £40 or upwards of 55 euros if brought abroad. Throw a name and number on the back of that and depending on the name you can easily add another £15 to the total price. But many fans won’t even batter an eye lid at paying that even if it means living off a shoestring budget for the rest of the month. To be one of the first to walk proudly down the street wearing their clubs new shirt gives them a realising sense of pride and achievement. Football fans want to be stared at in the street as others look on with an ever growing shade of green jealously.

Football clubs though know that they have fans in a niche market they know that they’ll come back for more again and again like a gambler wanting that last ditch horse to wander past the post. So they continue to churn out more and more. Home, away, third shirts, anniversary and the all important European special edition shirts. Some fans have seemingly caught on and are refusing to pay happy with the shirt from the previous season. What ever way you look at it those few are just a small minority to the many that flock the shops and online stores to grab their football shirts.

The biggest hit by this are the parents who time and again have to shell out vast sums of money to keep their children happy and they are not helped by the ever changing shirts each season. What annoys them most is that some changes are hardly recognisable until you get close up, other clubs choose the same style for both the home and away with the exception of the colour. Which ever way you look at it football shirts are what the fans love and they’ll never get tired of paying whatever price to get them.

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